The areas of activity and experience of the law firm cover practically the entire spectrum of legal services related to corporate law and commercial transactions, as follows:

  • Establishment and structuring of capital and partnership commercial companies, including non-profit legal entities, as well as branches and commercial representative offices of foreign legal entities;
  • Advising on and drafting corporate By-laws, articles of association, management contracts, acts of governing bodies of legal entities and other documents in accordance with the economic interests of our clients;
  • Carrying out all incorporations and registrations of circumstances concerning commercial companies and non-profit legal entities provided for in Bulgarian legislation;
  • Legal assistance in connection with the acquisition of permits and licenses according to the specific economic activity of our clients;
  • Advice on the structuring and conclusion of commercial contracts and the security and guarantees required for them;
  • Representation and protection of our clients’ rights before the management bodies of commercial companies and non-profit legal entities;
  • Provision of legal services to Bulgarian and foreign companies, comprehensive legal protection of our clients’ commercial activities before Bulgarian judicial and administrative authorities.
  • Provision of registration address to foreign and local legal entities, as well as representation before Bulgarian regulatory authorities in relation to the requirements of the current legislation in the field of measures against money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • Preparation of all types of legal analyses in connection with acquisitions of commercial enterprises or transactions with individual assets thereof;
  • Commercial insolvency – representation of creditors and debtors in court and in commercial insolvency proceedings.
  • Establishment and registration of any commercial security, in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation in force.